Enroll in the Environment Changer course to claim your spot today before the doors close.

hopeful man

You have everything it takes to become a better man, husband, and father. But right now, there might be some common roadblocks in your way...

  • You're worried it's already too late. You may have tried everything, only to find yourself back where you started with no noticeable change in your wife.
  • You feel confused by your wife's behavior. One day she wants a divorce, the next - she's not sure. She may have even rewritten your marriage history to justify what she's feeling and doing.
  • You don't know where to start. You're unsure how to become the best version of yourself, get your emotions under control, restore your marriage and create a deeper love than you had before.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Meet David, Bob and Dave.

Right now, you can't understand how your relationship changed so much - so quickly.

You don’t want to lose her, but she feels half gone already. You might see glimmers of the woman you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, but they quickly fade away as anger and darkness take over.

And now, what you need most is a realistic approach that REALLY works. See how the Environment Changer approach helped men like you...


David's wife of 15 years filed for divorce. Today his marriage is healing and he has a new sense of calm in his life."

David's wife wanted a divorce and wanted to be free. His wife of 15 years filed for divorce. Today, David's marriage is healing and he has a new sense of calm in his life.

David E.

Chicago, Illinois


Bob's wife moved 2500 miles away with another man, but he attracted her back..

Bob's wife was involved with another man. His wife moved 2500 miles away, but he attracted her back and she is in the process of leaving the other man.

Bob H.

North Central Massachusetts


 Dave is now happily married to the woman of his dreams

Dave was borderline suicidal. He never felt so much hopeless loss in his life. Today he is happily married to his wife who almost left him and now wants to grow old with him.

Dave S.

Dayton, Ohio

It doesn't matter if she said it's over or she's rewritten your history together.  Despite what most people think, her words "I don't love you anymore" or her actions to file for divorce are NOT a sign that it's over.

You can get another marriage (legal document), but you can’t get another woman just like your wife - the woman you fell in love with. It IS possible to create a new relationship out of the ashes as long as YOU haven't given up.

What if you had...

Coaches to answer your questions along the way, to help you out when you get stuck and remind you that you can reach your goals? 

A community of men in similar situations working toward becoming calmer, more secure, confident versions of themselves who inspire and encourage you to heal yourself and your marriage.

A step-by-step process to teach you how to fully connect with your wife, even in the face of “the monster”, find peace within yourself and calmly accept things that disturb you.

Wouldn't you be far more likely to attract her back much faster?

Wouldn't it be a relief if you didn't have to try to figure this out alone?


Environment Changer course

Feel better fast, become the best version of yourself and the most desirable man to your wife.


 John is finally free from anxiety after struggling for 17+ years

John's wife of 31 years filed for divorce. He suffered from extreme anxiety and had gone to therapists and psychologists for 17 years. Through the EC course, he broke free from anxiety.

John R.

Rochester, New York


 Jesse's wife slowed down the divorce process

Jesse suffered a series of traumatic events. Tension is no longer part of his vocabulary and his wife has has slowed down the divorce process. Jesse can now live life to the fullest.

Jesse R.

Stilicho, Washington


Cliff's life changed dramatically

Cliff was married to the woman of his dreams. Things took a turn for the worse and he lashed out on his wife and blamed her for everything. The EEC course was his answer.

Cliff L.

College Station, Texas

In the Environment Changer course, you'll learn how to heal your marriage which begins with healing yourself - first.

Imagine how you'll feel just a few short months from now when you can finally...

  • Feel at peace knowing you're following a logical, realistic plan to become a better, whole person for yourself and for your family.
  • Consistently keep your emotions under control so you exude love, peace and confidence - regardless of what's happening around you.
  • Become the man and husband your wife desires and needs as you build a stronger, more passionate connection than ever before.
calm man


My wife is confiding in me more...the other day she hinted that she will move back home.

"I’m seeing that my wife is enjoying confiding in me more and more. She is telling me things now that she never would have months ago.

The other day she even gave a hint that she will move back home. I am so thankful for finding you and this incredible group of guys.

So many good things are happening in so many ways, it’s just downright ridiculous."

Jon O.


I have more control of my emotions than ever because of your program.

"I feel my wife coming back to me slowly but it is happening.

I have far more control of my emotions than I ever have in my whole life because of your program. I’ve learned a lot more from you but these are the big things.

Scott Morin 

Baton Rouge, Louisiana


You are fully protected by MY 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee

Enroll in the Environment Changer course today. If you don’t absolutely love my curriculum, coaching, and community, simply contact us within 7 days of enrollment and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.


environment changer live course

The Environment Changer live course is a great fit if you need a support system and want to work DIRECTLY with Larry Bilotta.

In the live course, students typically see results faster, in part thanks to a large support system and inspiration from other successful Environment Changers.

The live course learning process is broken into Modules 1-7.  Module 8 dives deeper into the concepts covered in the core curriculum. You'll gain access to exclusive content like student interviews and success stories and in-depth exercises. This intensive module is perfect for those who want to master the material, unlock their full potential. 

This live, interactive portion of the course provides exclusive access to: 

  • Global Q&A mastermind calls: Get all your burning questions answered. Connect and share insights with a supportive community of fellow men from around the world on Wednesdays.
  • Accountability Coaching Add-on (optional): Experience real progress week by week. Your coach will celebrate your wins and hold you accountable, encouraging the self-belief you need to conquer any challenge.

Feeling Lost? Find Your Tribe in Our Private Support Group!

You're not alone. Whether you're facing rejection, feeling overwhelmed, or simply seeking connection with others who understand, our private support group is here for you. This is a safe and confidential space where you can:

  • Share your experiences: Open up about your struggles and triumphs in a supportive environment, free from judgment.
  • Gain valuable insights: Learn from the wisdom and experiences of others on their journeys.
  • Offer encouragement: Be a source of strength and inspiration for fellow members, building a powerful community of support.
  • Find practical solutions: Brainstorm strategies, share resources, and discover new ways to overcome challenges together.

This live environment creates motivation, conviction, and the unwavering determination you need to become a true Environment Changer.


  • Instant access to modules 1-7 upon enrollment
  • 3-month access to weekly Q&A mastermind webinars with Larry Bilotta (12 calls/month)
  • Access to private men's group
  • Bonus module 8 jam-packed with extra resources
  • Access to 200+ hours of past call recordings
  • Unlimited access to materials
  • Access to an accountability coach (optional add-on)


Multi-payment plans available below.



Save $193 over multipay plans with the single payment plan


$595 x 2

2 payments of $595 once a month for 2 months


$397 x 3

3 payments of $397 once a month for 3 months

environment changer HOME STUDY

The Home Study course is designed for men who learn well on their own, without a strong need to connect with others for support and inspiration. Home study course students are welcome to upgrade to the live course at any time.

If you find yourself in need of support, you are welcome to supplement the home study course with private support sessions at any time.


  • Instant access to course modules 1-7 upon enrollment
  • 1-hour private session with coach Stephanie
  • Unlimited access to materials
  • Access to webinar archive


One-time payment

Multi-payment plan available below.



Save $110 over multipay plan


$330 x 2

2 payments of $595 once a month for 2 months

"I’m able to live without the anxiety, intensity and urgency..."

"Your course is so totally in keeping with what I already believe, that I cannot change anyone, but everyone is influenced by the emotional condition I’m in. Now I’m able to live without all that anxiety, intensity and urgency that has stressed out me, my wife and our children for so long."

Dan Dinucci

Millford, Massachusets

"What you teach I’ve not seen taught anywhere. "

"Your course literally made it possible for me to change the course of my life as a husband, man, dad and even my career has taken a more confident turn.

What you teach I’ve not seen taught anywhere. For a guy like me with a short attention span, it needed to be simple, direct and something I could actually do, not just a bunch of theory. Your program is all that and so much more. I think every husband, struggling marriage or not, should take your course."

Matt Gabhart

Wilmore, Kentucky

Environment Changer course

The Environment Changer course includes logical, time-tested class curriculum, coaching, and an uplifting, incredible community of men you won’t find anywhere else.

EC course

Module 1: Learn who you are at heart

  • Discover the man you were meant to be and discover where you'll succeed most in life. 
  • Understand how personality differences influence your wife and the way she perceives you. 
  • Feel strengthened and self-assured about your identity and who you want to be as a man, husband, and father.
Learn who you are at heart
Find hidden beliefs holding you back

Module 2: Find hidden beliefs holding you back

  • Uncover "hot button" issues in your marriage and how to overcome them.
  • Replace challenging beliefs that are holding you back and causing you to make the same mistakes again and again.
  • Gain an eye-opening perspective on how each of your childhoods have led to the current state of your marriage today.
  • Understand how your wife's childhood has led to her sudden, erratic change in behavior.

Module 3-5: Get your emotions under control

  • Learn everything you need to know about how to feel calm, cool, and collected - regardless of what's happening around you.
  • Get a simple, step-by-step process to better understand your own emotions - as well as your wife's.
  • Use a powerful tool to feel better in seconds.
  • Move from feeling torn, regretful and fearful to free, calm, connected and highly influential to those around you.
Get your emotions under control
Shift your mindset

Module 6: Shift your mindset

  • Learn how and why your thoughts create reality.
  • Discover how fear, worry and doubt are holding you back from the life and relationship you deserve.
  • Discover how to "place an order" for anything you want in life and start effortlessly living the life and marriage you've always dreamed of.

Module 7: Create the life you want

  • Learn to combine the tools in the EC course to become a master of energy and your emotions.
  • Become a magnetic man others admire and want to be around.
  • Start moving toward the life you want and away from what's not working for you.
  • Strengthen your bond with your children and become their steady, self-assured role model who helped them navigate the chaos.
Create the life you want

The course curriculum includes bite-sized videos so it's easy to get started and come back when you have time.

Unlimited access

Access to the Home Study Course is unlimited and does not expire.


Drop-in Monthly Coaching Calls with Marriage Coaches

Included in the men's home study course are monthly group Q&A calls hosted by our marriage coaches who COMPLETELY understand what you're going through - because they once began their journey as a student of the EC course!

Each of our coaches gained expertise in all things EC - from shortening a wife's midlife crisis, to regaining custody of children, coach Sergio and Paul are here to support you throughout your Environment Changer journey.

Every call is recorded and you can send in your questions ahead of time even if you're not able to attend live. We also include archived calls so you can listen during free time and continue learning well beyond the core curriculum. 

Men's monthly conference calls


Your course makes so much sense, I can actually apply it without forcing my wife to do anything.

"Yours is a man’s course. It was simple, easy to understand and very practical.

Your EC course makes so much sense, I can actually apply it without forcing my wife to do anything. Your methods make me feel far more in control of where our marriage is going without me trying to control her. So glad I found your course Larry.  The stress relief is well worth it."

Paul Richardson

LA, California

"After only 2 days of applying some of your methods she changed her mind and agreed to counseling."

"Larry, my wife and I were on the verge of divorce when I found your site.  She had already started talking about marriage with another man. We had tried counseling years earlier and she was absolutely against any more.

After only 2 days of applying some of your methods she changed her mind and agreed to counseling.

For the first time in months, she has an answer instead of “I don’t know” when I ask her a question. Your course is an invaluable wealth of information and should be required study for anyone before marriage. Trust me, I have looked at them all.

I never would have believed it, I had all but given up, but one spouse can turn things around.”

Steve Hill

Edwards, Colorado


You are fully protected by MY 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee

Enroll in the Environment Changer course today. If you don’t absolutely love my curriculum, coaching, and community, simply contact us within 7 days of enrollment and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

You don't deserve to suffer in silence and grief while your wife quietly (or not-so quietly) slips away. Regain control over your life again and start your journey by finding peace within yourself first.


Larry Bilotta (creator of the Environment Changer course) is a relationship and marriage expert, author, and speaker specializing in midlife crisis.

Larry spent years studying psychology, spirituality, and the science of relationships, and explored countless methods, from traditional talk therapy to all manner of workshops—until he had a breakthrough that changed his life and transformed his marriage.

Larry and his wife remained married for 40 years, until her passing in 2019. Through live workshops, talks, and online courses, Larry continues to teach his common sense, accessible, and proven approach to surviving midlife crisis, saving your relationship, and changing your life.


Larry created the Environment Changer course based on his own formerly miserable marriage. Listen to Larry share his story in his own words...

coach stephanie'S STORY

Stephanie Mehring (EC Coach & Certified PSYCH-K Facilitator) is an Environment Changer student who saved her marriage. Today, she teaches students as a coach and certified Psych-K facilitator.

Stephanie's journey began as she discovered her husband was having an affair. After a series of self discoveries and experiencing the pain of her husband coming home and leaving - twice - by saving herself first, she was able to restore the love her husband had for her.


Still on the fence? Here are some frequently asked questions...

live course


What if I'm already in your other course, How to Survive Your Wife's Midlife Crisis?

Great! We built this program to expand on the midlife crisis and teach you how to shorten your wife's midlife crisis by changing your own internal emotions and ultimately, the environment of your marriage. The two courses complement one another and do not overlap in terms of content.

What do the course materials cover?

Here’s a high-level look at the course materials in the Environment Changer course. Modules 1-7 are included in BOTH the live and home study tracks.


- Get answers to your most pressing questions

- Discover why being so different is a good thing

- Identify hidden barriers preventing open communication


- Uncover the underlying cause of conflict in your marriage
- Learn why you had very little control over how you treated your wife
- Find and remove negative beliefs that are holding you back
- Free yourself from a lifetime of pain, resentment, and anger toward your parents


- Get the tools to resist the temptation of pressuring your wife
- Create a stronger family bond than ever before with your wife and children
- Stay calm and avoid adding fuel the fire when your wife lashes out
- Instantly create a warm, loving environment – regardless of her behavior
- Learn the real cause of anxiety - it has nothing to do with your situation


- Shift your reality to create what you desire most
- Get unstuck and find real hope again
- Gain a new outlook on your life, marriage, and current situation
- Learn why you create your own reality - whether you’re conscious of it or not


- Once you’ve mastered the core course materials, expand upon what you’ve learned with additional tools, inspiring interviews, and more!

What type of live support is available?


- Community support: Stay connected with like-minded men who are supportive and equally committed in creating a lasting marriage. The private EC men's community can help you stay on track and pick you up when you need it most. Form lifelong friendships and get inspired from others who have walked the path you are on right now. The EC community is a great place to get support and celebrate your wins.

- Group coaching calls: Get unlimited access to Larry Bilotta on weekly group coaching calls for 3 months. You'll receive guidance, advice, and inspiration as you move throughout your journey towards becoming an Environment Changer. Group calls are a great way to learn from others' questions. You can be completely anonymous and use any name you would like.

In addition to the weekly calls, you also get access to a "Beyond EC" call held once/month on next-level topics outside the scope of the core materials. 

- Discounted private sessions: If additional private support is needed, private support plans are available at a discounted rate for EC students.

- Accountability coaching (add-on available for live course students): Witness real progress week by week. Your coach will celebrate your wins and hold you accountable, encouraging the self-belief you need to conquer any challenge.


- Private coaching calls: A 1-hour call with coach Stephanie is included with home study course enrollment.

- Discounted private sessions: If additional private support is needed, private support plans are available at a discounted rate for EC students.

How do I know which track is right for me?

If you are the type of guy who learns best by engaging with others and asking questions, the live course would be a great fit for you.

On the flipside, if you prefer to learn independently and just want to be shown the path to follow on your own, the home study course would be a fit for you.

If you're torn between the two options, click the play button below to hear from live course students on the value they received in the live track. Please excuse the quality - this snippet was recorded on an older platform.

Can I upgrade to the live course at a later date?

Yes! You are welcome to begin with the home study course and upgrade to the live course at a later date. Just pay the difference.

How long is the program?

As a live course student, you get unlimited access to the weekly calls for 3 months. If you want to continue with Q& webinars beyond that, you can move into our monthly Momentum Club subscription and receive continued access to everything for just $77/month.

You will not lose access to the course materials in either track.

Do I get help from Larry personally?

Yes, you can work with Larry directly through the live course on weekly group calls held Tuesdays @ 6pm and Wednesdays @ 2pm and 6pm (US Central time).

As a student of either track, you can book private support sessions with Larry or coach Stephanie at any time. A discounted private support rate is available for all students.

How frequent are the coaching calls?

LIVE TRACK: The coaching calls in the live course happen weekly and monthly.

Wednesday calls: Wednesday afternoon & evenings
(12pm & 4pm PACIFIC / 2pm & 6pm CENTRAL / 3pm & 7pm EASTERN time)

Tuesday calls:  Tuesday evenings
(4pm PACIFIC / 6pm CENTRAL / 7pm EASTERN time)

Monthly Beyond EC calls:  The last Thursday of each month
(4pm PACIFIC / 6pm CENTRAL / 7pm EASTERN time)

How is the course delivered?

Both the home study and live course are accessible via a private online portal. Nothing is shipped to you. The course materials are a mix of videos, audio, PDF's and an interactive online tool called Dignify. Webinar calls take place through Zoom Webinars.

payment questions


What do I tell my wife about investing in this course?

Most men prefer to keep the investment in this course private, however if you wish to notify her for transparency, many guys have seen success telling their wife that they are investing in a self-improvement program to help them cope with the situation. At its core, the Environment Changer course helps you become a better man, husband and father, so this statement is accurate and often sits well with a woman in crisis.

How will the charge appear on my credit card statement?

On your statement, the charge will appear as an abbreviated version of our business name, which is Life Discoveries Inc.. (i.e. “Life Discov” or “Life Discoveries”.

If this is a concern, some guys ask a friend or family member to place the order and reimburse them separately, or they use PayPal, a pre-paid Visa card or even Venmo. You can contact our office for additional info at 262-397-8766.

Can I stretch payments out any further?

We offer multiple extended payplans for both the home study and live tracks, but US buyers can also choose to utilize PayLater through PayPal that allows you to extend payments over 6, 12, or 24 monthly installments with 0% interest. Simply click the PayLater button at checkout to take advantage of this option.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, you are welcome to try the home study or live course for a full 7 days. Review the course materials, join Larry Bilotta on a group call – and if it’s not a good fit, no problem. You’re protected by our 7-day money-back guarantee. Simply contact us within this period if you feel the course is not right for you and we will refund you every penny - no questions asked.



Is it too late?

This is a common question and you can find Larry Bilotta's answer in the video below.

How long before I begin seeing results?

Most guys begin feeling relief personally within the first few weeks. Typically, children begin to notice changes in you first, then family, friends, and co-workers. Finally, your wife will take notice of the changes - but it is important to take note she is not likely to express this verbally to you. If you're feeling relief personally and others are taking notice, you're on the right track! Overall, the more troubled the two of your childhoods, the longer it takes to repair your marriage. It took time for your marriage to fall apart and it takes time to win her heart and trust back again - trying to rush it or put a timeline on the healing process will hold you back. 

Will this work if she is in an affair or we have limited contact?

If your wife is involved an an affair, you need to become "the boyfriend" again. Your mission is to transform yourself into the man you were when she first met. The Environment Changer course gives you the system, tools, and ability to do exactly that. Once you "flip the script" and your wife becomes engaged with you, the boyfriend becomes the jealous, anxious man putting pressure on her - which pushes her away from him and back to you!

Boyfriends are nothing but an indicator that her heart was lost at one time in the past, but the tools in this course will bring her heart back to you.

Does my wife need to participate?

No, the course is designed for men to take on their own and does not require their wife’s participation. In most cases, wives aren’t aware their husbands took part in a course.

How long will it take me to complete the course?

Students learn at their own pace. Some men complete the course in 1 week. Others pace themselves and complete the course over several weeks.

Who should join the Environment Changer course?

The Environment Changer course is PERFECT for you if...

  • You are ready to become the most desirable man in your wife's eyes
  • You want to avoid making the same mistakes in the future
  • You believe in the idea of energy and you're ready to stop being a pinball
  • You want to wipe out old obstacles and create a stronger physical and emotional connection than ever before
  • You want to break the chain of family chaos and protect your kids from a life of it

The Environment Changer course is NOT for you if...

  • You refuse to move past the anger and resentment over past issues
  • You insist you are right and she is wrong
  • You have “one foot out the door” and have almost completely given up
  • You are unwilling to apply unconventional techniques and methods you’ve never heard before
  • You don't believe you can transform your marriage without her participation

YOU deserve to be loved and desired.

YOUR KIDS deserve to grow up with a mom and dad who love one another.

You CAN heal the pain and become a man that others envy.

Every day you wait and do nothing, her resentment toward you grows greater (and yours may too).

One day you were her best friend, the next, her worst enemy.

You don't have to live like this. If your family is the most important thing to you, stop wasting time and start taking control of your life and become a whole, happy man once again.

Ready to get started?
