3 Mistakes Men Make When their Wife Says "It's Over"

Learn how to win your wife's heart back...even if she's angry, resentful, and wants nothing to do with you right now

"I watched your online class and it changed my approach. We've been married over 17 years now and I no longer recognize my wife. She is so “lost”. This training was more helpful than YEARS of counseling. Thank you Larry."

- Damon W.

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It only takes one person to heal a marriage. Fixing your marriage begins with healing yourself, first.

Success Stories

"...After 6 months, Kevin stopped his divorce and is planning vacation as a family."

Kevin's wife was having an affair, which caused significant turmoil in his life. Through the Environment Changer course, Kevin learned to manage the chaos and find peace. After six months, Kevin and his wife decided to stay together, canceled plans to sell their house, and are now planning a family vacation

"...After seeking help from Larry Bilotta, Kel and his wife Sam are remarried."

Kel, a family law divorce attorney with over 1,000 cases under his belt, experienced firsthand the pain and challenges of divorce. After seeking guidance from Larry Bilotta and participating in the Environment Changer course, he and his wife were able to reconcile their marriage and are now closer and happier than ever.

"...John, who had struggled with anxiety for 17 years, found the source of his pain and turmoil within just one week."

John had sought help from counselors for 17+ years, but it wasn't until the first week of the Environment Changer course that he discovered the root cause of his lifelong struggles. He credits Larry with making a more significant impact on his life than any doctor or psychiatrist during that time. John now feels more mentally, physically, and spiritually well-adjusted, and he knows how to manage his anxiety effectively

"... After struggling with depression, Josh and his wife are now getting back together again as a married couple."

Josh discovered the Environment Changer course after his wife filed for divorce. He was struggling with depression, but the EC course provided him with a clear path forward that helped him regain his mental focus. As a result, Josh and Kristy are now reconciling their marriage.

Become the BEST version of yourself & get your emotions under control

Are you worried it’s already too late to save your marriage? Like there’s no point in trying? Trying to save your marriage on your own isn’t easy. With pressure from others telling you to move on, it might be tempting to give up hope.

But with the right plan, you don’t need to. For 20+ years, Larry Bilotta has helped men and women reconnect with their spouse and minimize the chaos in their marriage.

Restore your relationship by becoming the person you were meant to be.

feel calm, confident & at peace

Get your emotions under control and effortlessly exude a sense of calm, peace and confidence.

become content & genuinely happy

Break free from the dependence on others to make you happy.

create the life you deserve

Without a doubt, thoughts create reality. Shift your mindset to create the life you’ve always wanted.

overcome past childhood pain

Avoid falling back into old habits by removing toxic beliefs and pain from  childhood.

find your true self

Feel self-assured about your identity and who you want to be as an individual, spouse, and parent.

save your family

Heal your family and grow old together. Emotionally secure your children and break the cycle of chaos.


What students are saying about the Environment Changer Course

my husband is connecting with our kids and seems to be feeling better and acting less angry.

When I signed up for the Environment Changer course, I felt really lost and hopeless. Since then, my husband is connecting with our kids and seems to be feeling better and acting less angry.

He is kind to me and even spoke with me about our relationship for the first time in 14 months. He said he spent the past year exploring and is feeling better and wants to be a better father and husband. He said he loves me. If I didn’t find you and EC we wouldn’t be moving in a positive direction.

I’ve discovered things about myself that will come to serve me and my relationship with our children well. I didn’t think this was possible last year. You made a huge difference in our lives and I can’t thank you enough.

Sarah R.

So many good things are happening in so many ways, it’s just downright ridiculous.

I wanted to say thank you for all that you do. You have helped me to gain a part of the vision for my marriage and I’m seeing that my wife is enjoying confiding in me more and more. I have confirmation of that in her own words. She told me that she is telling me things now that she never would have months ago.

The other day she even gave a hint that she will move back home. I am so thankful for finding you and this incredible group of guys who love to hear the truth and live the truth.

So many good things are happening in so many ways, it’s just downright ridiculous.

Jon O.

The Environment Changer course is lifesaving.

The modules are informative and helped to inspire hope. The calls are wonderful. The Environment Changer course is lifesaving.

I am so grateful for this program and the way it is helping me shape my future. Although I’ve always understood where my deep issues came from, I am learning why my childhood impacted me so much as well as learning more deeply how that has affected my role as a wife.

Even more than that, I am learning how I can change the trajectory of my life, namely, how I approach situations that come up. I’m learning how not to let things and people determine how I feel and how I react. I am getting away from being a pinball.

Sandra B.

The stress relief is well worth it.

Your Environment Changer course makes so much common sense, I can actually apply it without forcing my wife to do anything.

Your methods that I’ve adapted make me feel far more in control of where our marriage is going without me trying to control her. So glad I found your course Larry.  The stress relief is well worth it.

Steve H.

It’s not too late if YOU haven’t given up hope!

  • 20+ years helping tens of thousands of people save their sanity, marriages and regain control over their own lives and mindset.
  • Learn to reconnect with the love of your life again, even in the face of “the monster”.
  • If you’re not sure who your spouse is anymore, Larry can help you make sense of the chaos and create a plan to start moving in the right direction.

It only takes one person to heal a marriage

Fixing your marriage begins with healing yourself, first

Look – if you’re like most people faced with a spouse who says it’s over, you’ve tried everythingbut nothing works. Marriage counseling, books, seminars, courses, pastors – there is no rationalizing with them and to make matters worse, you don’t know why!  I do!

“Once size fits all” marriage programs won’t cut it in situations like yours.

My Environment Changer system is entirely different. See what my students have to say in their own words. This is very specialized stuff – but it doesn’t work for everyone.

counseling not effective

Is this approach right for you?

This system IS for you if:

  • You want to avoid making the same mistakes in the future
  • You want to wipe out the old obstacles and connect with your wife again physically and emotionally
  • You are ready to become the man your wife was first attracted to
  • You want to break the chain of family chaos and protect your kids from a life of it

This system is NOT for you if:

  • You refuse to move past the anger and resentment over past issues
  • You insist you are right and she is wrong
  • You have “one foot out the door” and have nearly given up
  • You are unwilling to apply unconventional techniques and methods you’ve never heard before
  • You do not believe you can transform your marriage without your wife's participation
  • You are not ready to do something right now

I feel her coming back to me slowly but it is happening.

I just wanted you to know exactly how right you were about my wife’s personality. You hit the nail on the head and woke me up to how blind I’ve been about what she’s needed from me. I feel her coming back to me slowly but it is happening.

I’m doing a lot better in sticking to everything you’ve taught me. I have far more control of my emotions than I ever have in my whole life because of your program. I’ve learned a lot more from you but these are the big things. I just wanted to share that with you.

Scott M.

Your course is the best thing that ever happened to me.

My husband told me he wanted to change his life in a positive way because he doesn’t like how things went the last few years. He’s taken care of all the finances and anything that needs to be done in the house. I know I all created this.

I want to thank you for everything you thought me in the EC course. It surely changed my life. Everything you thought me about energy was life changing for me and I’m so grateful this happened and that you brought me on my path of finding my true amazing self.

Thank you again dear Larry. I keep listening to your calls when possible, course materials and summaries to keep me on track. Your course is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Victoria R.

This is not your fault, but it is your journey. Take charge of it and create a life that brings you happiness.



Through weekly group calls with other men, Larry will answer your questions and help you learn how to heal your marriage.



An 8-week course to help you become the best version of yourself. Weekly calls held by Larry Bilotta support offer inspiration and answer your questions throughout your journey.



Get support and encouragement through our private online community of men or women all working together toward similar goals.

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